woensdag, december 14, 2016

#Icannotwait…will you join me?

This is going to be incredible. I just ordered 2 tickets for one of the most amazing books I have ever read. I actually wrote my first thesis about it; On The Road.

And now adapted for a play by theatergroup Oostpool. Here you will find the announcement.

On The Road
On the Road tells the story about a group of friends looking for an intense way of life. The dynamic bond between Sal and Dean forms the heart of this journey. Sal admires the art of life of Dean, who refuses to commit himself to whatever place or relationship whatsoever. Dean admires Sal for his art of writing, with a language as free as improv jazz. On the Road is aswell a journey outside, into the post war USA, as inward, looking for a free way of being.

I am so looking forward to Feb 25th 2017…will you join me?


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